May 2019: congratulations to Robert, who succesfully passed his Ph.D viva
April 2019: Mr Fumiya Okamoto joined the QnP Group as visiting reseracher from the University of Tokio
December 2018: new paper 'High-Q/V two-dimensional photonic crystals cavities in 3C-SiC' posted on the arXiv
December 2018: new paper on multimode interferometry for entangling atoms in quantum networks with our University of Bristol collaborators now published online on Quantum Science and Technology
November 2018: new paper on 'Amplitude-Multiplexed readout of single photon detectors based on superconducting nanowires' with our IFN-CNR (Rome) collaborators now available on the arXiv
October 2018: congratulations to Ioannis, who succesfully passed his Ph.D viva
September 2018: new paper on second harmonic generation from strongly coupled localized and propagating phonon-polariton modes with our Imperial College, Fritz Haber Institute (Berlin) and University of Southampton collaborators now published on Physics Review B
April 2018: welcome back to Mr Francesco Garrisi, who is visiting the QnP group for his current Ph.D work at the University of Pavia
May 2018: huge congratulations to Dr Francesco Martini, who just won a Marie Curie Research Fellowship for his post-doctoral research at IFN-CNR Rome
March 2016: Mr Francesco Garrisi joined the QnP Group as visiting reseracher (Erasmus funded) from the University of Pavia
October 2015: new paper on Coherent coupling between localised and propagating phonon polaritons with our Univerity of Southampton and Imperial College collaborators is now available on the arXiv
August 2015: Mr Robert Cernansky joined the QnP Group to start a Ph.D in Physics